Are you currently practicing or looking to practice the "follow me and I will follow you back" tactic of gaining friends or looking to buy social media followers?...
Instead of focusing on numbers and taking shortcuts here's 10 tips that will gain you real followers on any social media platform. Focusing on actual followers who will want to see the posts you will provide and become your brand advocates is the end key here not just empty numbers who more than likely are spammers.
- Work on your profile. Create a good bio photo whether it be a logo or photograph and choose a fun header .This will make you not appear as a fake profile that is used to catfish people. As many people will read your bio before deciding whether to follow you, having an effective profile bio that will make people interested in your page is ideal. A good written bio can help you get much more followers than a poorly written bio.
- Compose interesting, funny or thought-provoking status updates. Add variety, be interesting, post interesting links and post multimedia. Updates with photos get the most engagement.
- Use hashtags as this will make your status updates searchable.
- Write your status updates often, at the right times of day and peak hours and follow the 80/20 rule. Nobody wants to follow someone who never tweets, therefore it's important to remain consistently active on social media. You should have a minimum of one post per day and ideally two posts per day to maximize your visibility. Your accounts should follow the 80/20 rule where 80% of your social media activity should be about helping your community, and 20% should be about promoting yourself. If you can not write your status update at the right time of day when the majority of your followers are awake learn to use a queue scheduler such as (Facebook/Twitter) getstacker.or laterbro - (Google+ Plus/Facebook/Twitter) bufferapp - (Twitter Only) twuffer.
- Send "@Messages" to Top Users. Chances are they won't return your tweet but people who also follow them will see your questions and your chances of getting a repost are heightened.
- Ask Questions. One great way to add followers is to get people engaged so they'll send you a response back. There's no better way to get people to respond than to pose questions.
- Link to interesting sites/info. so you are seen as a reliable source of information about the latest and greatest the Web has to offer - this is a great way to gain followers.
- Develop a Niche. Getting specific about what you want to accomplish with your tweets is one sure way to get new followers. Having a more targeted audience in mind and playing to those followers is a better approach than just random tweets about everything under the sun.
- Repeat Yourself. - Especially if posted outside of peak hours. Repeat your best and most informative tweets several times during the day and see if you get an increase in followers.
- Promote your social media accounts everywhere a potential follower can see it: printed business cards, your website, blog, all your social media accounts and email signature.