Friday, May 30, 2014

You'll never... #truth

Source: Instagram: FernandoSalasNY -

Posted: May 30, 2014 at 10:45PM

Follow: FernandoSalasNY on Instagram for more...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Online PR is all about Community

This video highlights the community nature of the online media world and suggests that in the beginning it may help your success if you imagine you are the guest at a party where you don't know many people.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

How to Use Social Media in Public Relations

In last Tuesday's post left you with an explanation of what social media is and in todays post I bring up the topic of how to use social media in public relations.  
- Being a social media enthusiast (on Twitter since May 2007 at @FernandSalasNY) and an unwilling participant in the recent NY Post Page 6 Chopard senior publicist vs NYC celebrity media photographers social media fail  news item written by Emily Smith, it is ever more evident that in 2014 and beyond, all industries dealing with news media entities really do need to utilize the worldwide communication aspect of social media correctly as technology evolves.. Used properly  as a communication tool it can  create amazing awareness of a cause and broadcast a strong positive message or NOT!
   Social media is changing the way consumers interact with brands. It should not exist independently of the company's goals and plans for growth; instead, it should be embedded as part of those goals and plans. It's not enough to broadcast your message anymore, you need to be able to establish trust, your place in their day to day lives. How does your brand help and improve your consumer's world? What ways can your business contribute? Answering these questions are the first steps towards working out how you can use social media to achieve them. There are more opportunities than ever to build your brand, more ways to connect with people. You just need to work out where they are, what they need and how you can be there for them. .The more you can, the more you work towards establishing your place in your consumer's world.
   By integrating the social media campaign into the overall company strategy, creating engaging content and measuring ROI, even big businesses can navigate social media effectively
  In the video below Kelly Brady publicist and owner of Brandsway Creative PR explains the use of social media when it comes to public relations.

Video by:  Howcast - How to Use Social Media in PR | Public Relations
* Speaker: - Kelly Brady - @KellyBrady on Twitter or Instagram: KellyBradyPR

* Video sidenote:: Ms. Brady includes Klout as a social media channel which it is not, it is a social media influence tracker. 
[" is a social media content discovery tool and status update scheduler website and mobile app that uses social media analytics to rank its users according to online social influence via the "Klout Score", which is a numerical value between 1 and 100. In determining the user score, Klout measures the size of a user's social media network and correlates the content created to measure how other users interact with that content. Klout launched in 2008. - Wikipedia "]

  Facebook, Pinterest, and Foursquare as Kelly mentions indeed are all social media channels with an ongoing audience engagement from their respective internet community being the key aspect. Left out of the video, we can also include the social media sites: Google+, Soundcloud, Instagram, and Youtube to the ever growing list.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Social Media Revolution 2014

Welcome to the revolution! In 2014 and beyond, social media is here to stay and anyone can use it as leverage as an effective branding and social media marketing communication tool!...

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What Is Social Media?

In order to avoid social media communication business fails in 2014 and beyond all businesses and brands need to understand what social media is, here is a brief video explanation in plain english:

...and more info can be found below as well:

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Chopard USA Publicist vs NYC Photographers story in today's NY Post Page Six

 So as I awaken and check my phone, I see that NY Post Page Six editor Emily Smith is currently following me on Instagram: @FernandoSalasNY which I find curious as I have never met her and I don't regularly post there, so the only foreseeable idea that comes to my mind is she somehow has seen my story or Instagram posted complaint comment regarding Monday's Chopard (jewelery) USA Senior Public Realtions Manager Prerna Balani arrogant "these jokers... #MetGala" Instagram post (the photo was conveniently deleted but NOT before I screen grabbed it HERE).
  With that in mind I needed to scan the NY Post as now I have a gut feeling that it may be a possible item in the paper and as seen in the embed below guess what... it is! =)  OK I would also like to add that... 
  Today I have proven that what we post on social media is NOT just a game:
1. For better or worse social media usage is a marketing tool.
2. It is a representation of we are and what we are about NOT everyone should be dutiful of it's "message" and NOT just major corporations.
3. That via the power of social media no one is really invisible or silent.
4. Proper social media use gives us all "personal branding" power. What is the message we wish to instill on our "viewers"?
5. Social media leverages the playing field NOT just for celebrities like musician Lorde who has recently gone on the defensive against an alleged "stalker" photographer.
6. With the great power of instant social media on our hands comes great responsibility.
7. Last but NOT least and most important we should think before we post!...

Prerna Balani's Original Instagram post here:

Source: NY Post Page Six by Emily Smith - May 7, 2014 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Chopard USA's Publicist Elitist Instagram Post

In this day and age we should all note that social media bears a message of representation of who we or the companies we work for are. The following Instagram post by Chopard (jewelery) USA senior public relations manager Prerna Balani reeks of elitism and sheer ignorance of the proper use of social media marketing. Must be lovely staying at the Mark Hotel NYC (a 5 star hotel where celebrities and the like normally stay at) with $700 a night rooms making fun of hard working American members of the NYC photographer press core.:
Updated: 5:00 AM - May 6, 2014 - It seems after a short while of this post the Instagram post was deleted. My Instagram posted response basically stated that her caption denotes arrogance. Living in the USA everyone has the right to choose their profession and life. No one in the picture is seen begging for money and the photography industry is a supply and demand one like any other. The last time a Swiss company had this sort of elitist attitude was when Oprah Winfrey had her incident in Zurich a short while back. As the Senior Publicist of Chopard USA she should be taking the lead in her social media marketing messages and be careful of the message she wishes to promote to the general public via social media. Is this an anti American post? Ms. Balani probably wishes we adopt the caste system in this country as she feels she is vastly "superior" than those pictured. She seems to convey that everyone in her family was born with a "silver spoon" in their mouth. Can it be that she is a communist and does NOT believe in the freedom of the press? How lovely that she feels entitled and superior to hard working Americans trying to feed themselves and their families. What exactly is her version of the land of the free and the brave, sweet land of liberty? I guess this is just another bad example of social media gone wrong and the reason why every company needs to learn and teach their workers high and low corporate social media responsibility! In 2014 and beyond we really are the messages of what we post via social media.